How to action a 'Reset request'

The brief video below will explain how to action a reset request that is sent to you as an account holder:

To do this through the actions view, see the steps below:

1. Click the 'Reset' tab on the 'Actions' page.

2. Find the specific user you want to reset the video for.

3. You have 3 options here. Approve the action, deny the action (red button) or dismiss the action (cross icon). If you deny the action using the red button, this will trigger a notification to the individual letting them know their request was denied. If you click the X icon, this will deny the request but not trigger a notification. Use whichever method is appropriate for your situation.

4. After clicking approve, it will then take you into the activity with the question already ticked ready to be reset. 

5. Scroll down slightly and hit the 'Reset answer(s)' button.

6. Once you have clicked to reset the answer, it will bring up a warning explaining that this is irreversible and do you agree.

7. After agreeing it will also ask you if you would like to extend the deadline for the candidate as well.

The second method would be by going into the interview through the activity screen. Finding the specific candidate, and then clicking the 'Questions' tab at the top and resetting from there.