Aptitude Tests

Did you know that 70% of UK employers use aptitude tests in their hiring process? Ensure your students are prepared with Shortlist.Me’s new 'Practice Aptitude Tests'! Our suite includes 15 tests designed by experts from SHL, Kenexa, Talent Q, and Saville Assessment, trusted by 2,000+ top employers like NHS, Allianz, Deloitte, and BT. We offer tests in:

  • Numerical Reasoning
  • Verbal Reasoning
  • Inductive Reasoning
…and more!

Prepare your students for success with our complete application experience.

Why Inductive Reasoning Skills Matter
  • Inductive reasoning is key for technical and engineering roles. With 7 in 10 employers using aptitude assessments, it’s crucial to understand these tests.
  • Aptitude tests predict job success and eliminate bias. Practice helps students become familiar with formats, manage time, and improve performance, increasing their chances of success.
Want practice tests for your students? Get in touch today!