Applicant Status Meaning

At Shortlister we want to make the process as simple as possible. Our applicant Status Tracker helps you to view the current stage of each applicant. 


Not invited yet - whether you've added applicants individually, in bulk or using Shortlister Connect to add them directly from your ATS, this status shows that the applicants have been added to the platform but clearly have not yet been invited. To invite the applicants simply select on "Invite" button. 


Awaiting Response - This indicates that the applicants' deadline hasn't yet passed meaning they still have time to complete their interview.


Withdrawn – The applicant has selected on their interview, however, have declined the interview. The applicant can choose to change their minds and complete the video interview until the deadline date. 


Interview Incomplete – This states that the applicant aborted interview. They have the option to carry on with their interview and pick up where left off up until the deadline date. 


Not reviewed - This states that the applicant has completed their interview and is now ready to be reviewed.


Expired - Applicant did not complete their interview by the deadline date. It also means that the candidate didn't accept or decline the interview.